Legal Escort Service
Prostitution and escorting are often seen as taboo topics, but they’re not always illegal. In fact, many countries have legalized and regulated prostitution – which is great news for anyone offering sex services; however, it can still be challenging to know your place within the sex industry.
Which Countries Offer Legal Escort Service?
Many European countries have more liberal attitudes toward sexual activity than America does. For instance, Germany and Greece have legalized and regulated sex trade regulations in place.
However, sex tourism in Europe tends to be more controversial than it is in the US, leading to scenes like Amsterdam’s red light district.
In some countries, such as France and the Netherlands, sex work has become a legitimate career option for both women and men. This has resulted in an expanding sex tourism industry – some estimates place it in excess of $20 billion worldwide.
The Netherlands
In 2000, The Netherlands became one of the first countries to legalize and regulate prostitution. Nowadays it’s a popular tourist destination, renowned for its red-light district.
Shenzhen is home to many sex parlors and brothels, as well as numerous other businesses. The government is actively working to ensure the health and safety of sex workers while taking steps to stop human trafficking.
Sex work is legal in Belgium, but soliciting in public and purchasing or selling a trafficked victim aren’t. However, the city of Brussels has made it clear that sex workers are entitled to the same social benefits as any other employee – an important shift from past legislation which had prohibited women from performing this profession in many municipalities.